Katedra Biologii i Biochemii Medycznej

ul. Karłowicza 24, 85-092 Bydgoszcz
tel.: +48 52 585 37 37
e-mail: kizbioch@cm.umk.pl

budynek dydaktyczny ul. Karłowicza 24

English Division

Winter Semester
Subject Teaching coordinator email
Biochemistry dr hab. Karolina Szewczyk-Golec, prof.UMK karosz@cm.umk.pl
General Chemistry dr Marcin Wróblewski marcin.wroblewski@cm.umk.pl
Biostatistics dr Paweł Sutkowy p.sutkowy@m.umk.pl


Winter Semester
Subject Teaching coordinator email
Biology and Genetics dr hab. Celestyna Mila-Kierzenkowska, prof.UMK celestyna_mila@cm.umk.pl



Summer Semester
Subject Teaching coordinator email
Biochemistry dr hab. Karolina Szewczyk-Golec, prof.UMK karosz@cm.umk.pl
Parasitology dr hab. Celestyna Mila-Kierzenkowska, prof. UMK celestyna_mila@cm.umk.pl
Ecophysiology dr hab. Piotr Kamiński, prof. UMK piotr.kaminski@cm.umk.pl
Basics of Parasitological Diagnostics dr hab. Celestyna Mila-Kierzenkowska, prof. UMK celestyna_mila@cm.umk.pl


Biology and genetics – 1st-year students of Pharmacy

Schedule of tutorials 2024/2025 (132 KB)

Parasitology – 2nd-year students of Faculty of Medicine 
Schedule 2024_25 (229 KB)
Teaching Regulations (120 KB)

Basics of Parasitology Diagnostics – 2nd-year students of Faculty of Medicine 
– Teaching Regulations

Biostatistics – 2nd-year students of Faculty of Mediciene
Schedule of tutorials 2022-2023 (72 KB)