Katedra Chirurgii Klatki Piersiowej i Nowotworów

Centrum Onkologii
ul. dr I. Romanowskiej 2
85-796 Bydgoszcz
tel.: +48 52 374 35 73
e-mail: kowalewskij@co.bydgoszcz.pl

Centrum Onkologii

English Division

1) Classes are held at the Oncology Center in Bydgoszcz. Before classes the Representative should contact dr Chrzastek to get timetable for each group (mail chrzastek.a@wp.pl or telephone 52 374 35 74)

2) Before starting classes, students are required to leave their outer clothing in the cloakroom and change into a medical uniform, including changeable footwear.

3) During the course, the student is responsible for his / her personal belongings. In the event of their damage or theft, the Department of Thoracic Surgery is not responsible.

4) During the first class, students learn about the organization of classes, didactic regulations, health and safety and fire protection rules, GDPR, hospital infections and the conditions for obtaining credit for the course.

5) At all classes carried out by the employees of the Department of Thoracic Surgery, it is strictly forbidden to use mobile phones (valid their exclusion).

6) Only students of Collegium Mediucum UMK equipped with clean protective clothes, i.e. a clean white protective apron, variable non-slip shoes) are allowed to enter the classes. Appropriate clothing during exercise is one of the factors important in epidemiological prophylaxis. Students should also be provided with small medical equipment (e.g. stethoscope). People who do not have such clothes will not be allowed to take part in exercises involving classes in the halls of departments / establishments. Protective clothing should be put on and taken off outside the ward / factory rooms.

7) In order to ensure the safety of classes and due to the sanitary and epidemiological regulations in force, the entrance doors to the departments / plants are closed when the exercises begin. Late students will not participate in classes.

8) Cleanliness must be strictly observed during classes, eating, chewing gum, smoking, using fire and being under the influence of alcohol or intoxicants is forbidden. A student who does not comply with these recommendations will be dismissed from the classes.

9) During classes, it is forbidden to take photos and / or record classes without the consent of the lecturer, using cameras, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and any other electronic equipment equipped with a camera and / or camcorder. It is also forbidden to use sound-only recording devices (e.g. dictaphones). Breaking this rule is treated as a violation of the code of ethics of the future profession and is subject to liability resulting from the Study Regulations and the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law Code.

10) Financial liability for material damage caused by non-compliance.

The student is responsible for the health and safety and fire protection regulations.

11) During the classes, the Student is not allowed to leave the place marked with the timetable of classes without the knowledge of the assistant. Due to the fact that part of the teaching activities takes place in special conditions (ionizing radiation), the information on possible hazards provided by the teacher of the classes (exercises) must be strictly observed. If the student leaves the classes, for example to the toilet and does not return or after a very long time – this fact should be noted on the attendance card.

12) Multimedia presentations presented during lectures and seminars constitute intellectual property and thus are copyrighted. Copying, processing, and their dissemination in whole or in part without the consent of the Authors is prohibited.


Office hours of academic teachers

Professor Janusz Kowalewski (Wednesdays 15.00-16.00)

Professor Marzena Lewandowska- first day of each month 15.00-16.00

Aleksandra Chrząstek MD, PhD (Tuesdays 14.30-15.30)

Przemysław Bławat MD, PhD (Wednesdays 13.00-15.00)

Maciej Dancewicz MD, PhD (Wednesdays 13.00-14.00)

Łukasz Żołna  MD, PhD (Wednesdays 14.00-15.00)